Services & solutions agreement

1. Introduction

Ymage ("Company") is a premier digital content agency dedicated to providing top-notch services and solutions tailored to a myriad of digital challenges. By engaging with our offerings, the client ("Client") agrees to adhere to the terms and conditions laid out in this agreement.

2. Scope of offerings

Ymage specializes in crafting services and solutions in various domains, including but not limited to 3D visualizations, models, animations, augmented reality, and image post-processing. The precise scope of each project will be detailed in the relevant project proposal or quotation.

3. Payment & additional fees

3.1. Fees associated with our services and solutions will be in alignment with the amounts detailed in the project proposal or quotation.

3.2. Project Management Fees: If extra project management becomes necessary due to the manner the Client provides project data, supplementary charges might apply. Such fees will be negotiated and agreed upon with the Client beforehand.

3.3. Change of Scope Fees: Any alterations to the initial project scope post-agreement can lead to additional costs. The Client will be consulted and presented with an updated quotation accounting for such changes.

3.4. Should you identify inaccuracies to the final output within 7 days following service completion, we will carry out the requisite corrections at no additional cost.

3.5. If you discover errors or recommend adjustments to the final output after the initial 7-day period following service completion, additional charges will apply for any necessary corrections.

3.6. In the absence of any suggested modifications or corrections within 14 days following the delivery of intermediate service results, the service will be deemed fully rendered. Any subsequent corrections or modifications requested after this 30-day window will incur an additional fee.

3.7. Should you desire modifications or corrections based on your own preferences, unrelated to any shortcomings in the service quality, such changes will be subject to an additional fee.

4. Client communication

4.1. The Client is expected to appoint an initial point of contact to collaborate directly with Ymage’s team.

4.2. To guarantee a smooth project progression, the Client should also provide a backup point of contact. This precaution ensures minimal delays in project timelines due to potential unresponsiveness or failure on the Client's part to furnish necessary guidelines or data.

5. Confidentiality

5.1. All exchanges, data, and other project-centric information between the Company and the Client are purposed exclusively for the recipient.

5.2. Such communications might encompass confidential and/or proprietary information. Unintended recipients of this information are strictly prohibited from unauthorized disclosure, distribution, or use.

5.3. Infringements of this confidentiality provision may lead to legal repercussions.

6. Limitation of liability

While Ymage commits to dispensing its services and solutions with utmost diligence and expertise, the Company is not liable for indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, such as lost profits or revenue, stemming from or related to the offerings provided.

7. Termination

Either party may terminate this agreement given a written notice if the opposing party breaches any clause and fails to rectify the breach within a 30-day window post-receipt of said notice.

8. Governing law

This agreement is to be interpreted in line with the laws of The Netherlands, and any disputes emerging from it will be addressed in the courts of The Netherlands.

9. Amendments

Any revisions or modifications to this contract must be drafted in written form and endorsed by all involved parties.

10. Acknowledgement & agreement

By engaging with Ymage's services and solutions, the Client acknowledges and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement.